Agilent 81101A Specifications
Timing Specifications
Period can also be entered as frequency.
There are 2 period generation sources available:
• startable oscillator (variable frequency oscillator VFO)
• high-accuracy frequency generator (PLL)
Glitch-free timing changes
You can sweep your timing values without danger of spurious pulses or
drop outs that could cause measurement errors. This applies to
continuous mode with timing values < 100 ms (frequency: < 10 Hz), and
consecutive values between one-half and twice the previous value.
Agilent 81101A
Range: 20 ns to 999.5 s
Resolution: 3.5 digits, 5 ps best case for VFO
4 digits, 1 ps best case for PLL
Accuracy: PLL: ±0.01%
VFO: ±5%
Repeatability: typically 4 times better than accuracy
RMS-jitter: PLL: 0.001% + 15 ps
VFO: 0.01% + 15 ps
Frequency range: 1.00 mHz to 50 MHz