relative, example GS 4-1
wrap GS 5-7
phase error
See demodulation, digital
phase noise, analysis example OP 2-1
phase, displaying HT
setting up GS 6-2
plotter interface GS 7-15
plotting GS 6-3, HT
aborting HT
about plotting HT
changing plotter pen assignments HT
data and file formats HT
date and time HT
default pen assignments HT
output to file HT
plot speed HT
selecting an output device HT
selecting display items HT
setting P1/P2 HT
setting the GPIB address HT
specifying line types HT
starting HT
PM demodulation
algorithm OP 15-10
example OP1-4,OP2-3
using HT
See frequency points
points, defined HT
points-per-symbol, setting OP 8-4, HT
polar display, using HT
polar markers
example OP 8-4
units, example OP 8-4
post-trigger delay HT
power HT
adjacent-channel GS 2-6
band power GS 2-6, HT
band power, rms square-root of HT
carrier-to-noise HT
carrier-to-noise-density HT
consumption GS 7-2
cords GS 7-3
power ratio GS 2-6, HT
turn on failure GS 7-21
power calculation, digital
demodulation OP 8-4
power ratio markers GS 2-4
power spectral density GS 2-2
pre-trigger delay HT
preset hardkey HT
interface GS 7-15
setting up GS 6-2
printing GS 6-3, HT
aborting HT
about printing HT
data and file formats HT
date and time HT
online help, printing HT
output to file HT
selecting an output device HT
selecting display items HT
setting the GPIB address HT
starting HT
PROBE POWER connectors HT
problems, digital/video demod HT
PSD measurements HT
psk (phase shift keying) HT
pulse length, in digital demod OP 6-6
pulse modulation
See demodulation, digital
pulse search
in digital demod OP 17-14
setup example OP 6-6
pulsed signals, digital demod OP 17-14
block diagram, video demod OP 18-4
QAM demodulation, example OP 8-1
QPSK softkey HT
raised cosine filters OP 17-17
See memory
RAM disk
See disk drives
random noise softkey HT
range HT
autoranging HT
example GS 5-3
setting optimum range HT
single ranging HT
range (continued)
tracking the reference level HT
GS = Getting Started Guide HT = Online Help
OP = Operator's Guide (press (Help) key)