block diagram HT
block diagrams OP 12-3
limitations OP 14-11
overview OP 12-2
scale at markers softkey HT
scaling HT
auto scaling HT
x-axis HT
x-axis scaling: linear vs. log HT
X-axis, example OP 8-7
y-axis scaling HT
scan time
See sweep time
screen, cleaning GS 7-19
search length HT
digital demod OP 6-8
video demod OP 7-13
search length, in digital demod
OP 17-14
self test HT
long confidence test HT
quick confidence test HT
self-test log HT
serial 1 port GS 7-15
serial 1/serial 2 connectors HT
serial 2 port GS 7-7
serial devices, setting up GS 6-2
serial number, displaying HT
serial number, location HT
serial port, configuring & cabling HT
serial x setup softkey HT
shifted functions HT
shipping GS 7-20
signal to noise markers GS 2-4
signal track softkey HT
signal tracking HT
sine freq softkey HT
single measurements, running HT
single range softkeys HT
single ranging HT
single sweep, selecting HT
SNR, digital/video demodulation HT
softkeys HT
about softkeys HT
bracketed softkeys HT
numeric entry HT
softkeys that toggle HT
source HT
about the source HT
am modulating the output HT
amplitude, setting HT
arbitrary waveforms HT
arbitrary waveforms, duration HT
availablesourceoutputs HT
connections HT
CW (fixed sine) output HT
dc offset, setting HT
displaying the source-state table HT
external signals, using as input HT
output filter, disabling HT
output impedance & dBm units HT
output impedance, setting HT
output protection, clearing HT
periodic chirp & frequency span HT
periodic chirp output HT
periodic chirp, duration HT
random noise output HT
sine frequency, setting HT
turning on and off HT
source hardkey HT
source type softkey HT
source, setup example GS 5-3
span HT
arbitrary spans HT
cardinal spans HT
coupling to main length HT
in analog demodulation OP 15-6
maximum span HT
setting span HT
setting with the marker HT
video demodulation OP 17-11,
OP 18-12
See also frequency span
span softkey HT
span, 8 MHz (opt. AYH) OP 18-18
Spanish softkey HT
spectral displays OP 5-1
spectral map
See waterfall
spectrogram HT
about spectrogram displays HT
colorbar HT
colors, selecting HT
colors, setting the number of HT
displaying OP 5-1
enhancing HT
markers, using HT
spectrogram (continued)
number of traces, setting HT
GS = Getting Started Guide HT = Online Help
OP = Operator's Guide (press (Help) key)