Using the Spectrum Analyzer
Measurements Using the Auxiliary Control Fields:
•From Controls select Off to update the display after each sweep, or Pk
Hold to retain the highest input value for each point in successive sweeps.
• Input Atten sets the input attenuator to Automatic or Hold. If Hold is
selected, a specific level can also be selected.
•From Sensitivity select Normal for normal input sensitivity, or High for
increased input sensitivity (<1 µV) to locate low level signals. Sensitivity
also is used to set the vertical scale (dB/Div).
NOTE: Using High Sensitivity may cause erroneous amplitude or AM side-band
amplitude measurements.
•From Normalize
− select Save B to save the current trace (can only be performed when
A Only is selected).
− select to display a continuously updated screen (normal operation).
− select to display the difference between the trace saved (using Save
B) and the current trace.
Marker Indicators:
•Marker Freq MHz changes the units that the marker frequency is
displayed in.
•Marker Lvl dBm changes the units that the marker amplitude is
displayed in.