
Language Dictionary 77
This command sets the short-circuit current for the Simulator mode. If you are programming a slave unit that is paralleled
to a master unit, you must set Isc and Imp to zero (0). This configures the unit to act as a slave.
Command Syntax [SOURce]:CURRent:SASimulator:ISC <NRf>
Parameter for ISC 0 to 8A for Agilent E4350B (0 configures the unit as a slave)
0 to 4A for Agilent E4351B (0 configures the unit as a slave)
*RST Value Imax
Examples CURR:SAS:ISC 5
CURR:SAS:ISC 0;IMP 0;:VOLT:SAS:VOC 60;VMP 50 (auto paralleled slave)
Query Syntax CURR:SAS:ISC?
Returned Parameters <NRI>
This command sets the current at the peak power point of the Simulator mode. If you are programming a slave unit that is
paralleled to a master unit, you must set Imp and Isc to zero (0). This configures the unit to act as a slave.
Command Syntax [SOURce]:CURRent:SASimulator:IMP <NRf>
Parameter for IMP ISC (0 configures the unit as a slave)
*RST Value 0.8 X 8.16A for Agilent E4350B
0.8 X 4.08A for Agilent E4351B
Examples CURR:SAS:IMP 4
CURR:SAS:ISC 0;IMP 0;:VOLT:SAS:VOC 60;VMP 50 (auto paralleled slave)
Query Syntax CURR:SAS:IMP?
Returned Parameters <NRI>
This command activates a user-defined table when the unit is operating in Table mode. If the unit is not in Table mode, the
specified table becomes the active table when Table mode is invoked. If you send this command with a space as the table
name, it de-selects the active table. This allows the MEMory:DELete:ALL command to delete all tables in memory.
Command Syntax [SOURce]:CURRent:TABLe:NAME <name>
Parameter a valid table name or a space
Examples CURR:TABL:NAME curve1
Query Syntax CURR:TABL:NAME?
Returned Parameters <CRD>
This command adds a current offset when operating in Table mode.
Command Syntax [SOURce]:CURRent:TABLe:OFFSet <NRf>
Parameter 0 to Imax
*RST Value 0
Examples CURR:TABL:OFFSet 4
Query Syntax CURR:TABL:OFFS?
Returned Parameters <NRI>
This command sets and reads the Agilent SAS digital control port when that port is configured for Digital I/O operation.
Configuring of the port is done via an internal jumper (see Appendix D). The port has three signal pins and a digital ground
pin. Pins 1 and 2 are output pins controlled by bits 0 and 1. Pin 3 is controlled by bit 3 and can be programmed to serve
either as an input or an output. Pin 4 is the digital ground.