Specifications and Application Information 95
Specifications and Application Information
Specifications and Supplemental Characteristics
Performance specifications are warranted over a temperature range of 0 to 40
C unless specified otherwise. Unless
otherwise noted, specifications apply to Fixed, Simulator, and Table modes.
Supplemental Characteristics are not warranted but are descriptions of performance determined either by design or type
Table A-1. Performance Specifications for Agilent E4350B/E4351B SAS
Parameter Agilent E4350B Agilent E4351B
Simulator/Table Mode Output Ratings
Maximum Power: 480 W 480 W
Maximum Open Circuit
65 V 130 V
Maximum Short Circuit
8 A 4 A
Minimum Impedance (
Fixed Mode Output Ratings
Voltage: 0 - 60 V 0 - 120 V
Current: 0 - 8 A 0 - 4 A
Current Derating Factor
(from 40
C to 55
0.1 A/
C 0.05 A/
Output Voltage Ripple & Noise
(from 20 Hz to 20 MHz with a resistive load,
outputs ungrounded, or either output grounded)
Simulator/Table mode: 16 mV rms
125 mV p-p
24 mV rms
195 mV p-p
Fixed mode (constant voltage): 12 mV rms
95 mV p-p
12 mV rms
95 mV p-p
Output Current Ripple & Noise
(from 20 Hz to 20 MHz with a resistive load,
outputs ungrounded, or either output grounded)
Simulator/Table mode: 4 mA rms
32 mA p-p
4 mA rms
32 mA p-p
Fixed mode (constant current): 2.4 mA rms
18 mA p-p
2.4 mA rms
18 mA p-p
Programming Accuracy
(@ 22°C ±5°C)
Fixed ModeVoltage: 0.075% +10mV 0.075% +20 mV
Current: 0.2% +20 mA 0.2% +10 mA
Readback Accuracy
(from front panel or over GPIB with
Voltage: 0.08% +42mV 0.08% +84mV
respect to actual output @ 22 ±5 °C)
+Current: 0.20% +28mA 0.20% +14mA
0.35% +48mA 0.35% +24mA
Fixed Mode Load Regulation
(change in output voltage or current
Constant voltage: 2 mV 2 mV
for any load change within ratings)
Constant current: 1 mA 1 mA
Fixed Mode Line Regulation
(change in output voltage or current for
Constant voltage: 2 mV 2 mV
any line voltage change within ratings)
Constant current: 1 mA 1 mA
There is no maximum impedance restriction. Therefore, Imp can be less than or equal to Isc.
In Simulator mode, the output current is related to the readback output voltage by an internal algorithm. In Table mode, the output
current is related to the readback output voltage by interpolation between points that are entered by the user.
The unit may go out of specification when subjected to RF fields of 3 volts/meter in the frequency range of 26 Mhz to 1 GHz.