Turn-On Checkout 24
Dis annunciator turns on.
You have disabled the overcurrent protection circuit. The OCP
annunciator turns off.
( )**
You have cleared the overcurrent protection circuit. The Prot
annunciator turns off.
Dis turns off and CC turns on. The output current is restored.
If you have a shorting wire of sufficient capacity, you may continue testing up to the maximum rated current of the power
supply (see "Performance Specifications"). When finished, go to the next step.
Dis turns on and output current drops to zero.
Turn off the power supply and remove the short from the output terminals.
Checking The Save And Recall Functions
Agilent E4356A power supplies have five nonvolatile memory storage locations (0 through 4). Proceed as follows:
■ Make certain that the output is on (Dis annunciator is off).
■ Set the voltage output to 5 by pressing .
■ Save this value to location 1 by pressing .
■ Return the output voltage to 0 by pressing (This step is based on the fact that a newly shipped power
supply has the *RST parameters stored in location 0 (see "Chapter 5 - Front Panel" for more information).
■ Press and notice that the output voltage returns to the value stored in location 1.
Determining The GPIB Address
When the power supply is turned on, the display shows ADDR n, where n is the power supply GPIB address. Any time you
want to see the address, press
The display will indicate ADDR 5, which is the factory default. If the address has been changed, then a different number
will appear (see “Setting the GPIB Address” in “Chapter 5 - Front Panel”).
In Case Of Trouble
Line Fuse
If the power supply appears "dead" with a blank display and the fan not running, first check your power source to be certain
line voltage is being supplied to the power supply. If the power source is normal, the power supply line fuse may be
defective. If the unit has a defective fuse, replace it only once. If it fails again, investigate the reason for the failure. Proceed
as follows:
Hazardous voltage can remain inside the power supply even after it has been turned off. Fuse
replacement should be done only by qualified electronics personnel.