82 Language Dictionary
System Commands
System commands query error messages and software versions, and program system language functions.
This query returns the next error number followed by its corresponding error message string from the remote programming
error queue. The queue is a FIFO (first-in, first-out) buffer that stores errors as they occur. As it is read, each error is
removed from the queue. When all errors have been read, the query returns 0,NO ERROR. If more errors are accumulated
than the queue can hold, the last error in the queue will be -350,TOO MANY ERRORS (see Appendix D for other error codes).
You can use the power supply front panel
key to read errors from the queue. Errors generated at the front panel are
not put into the queue but appear immediately on the display.
Query Syntax SYSTem:ERRor?
Parameters (None)
Returned Parameters <NRI>,<SRD>
Related Commands (None)
This command switches the interface between its SCPI (TMSL) command language and its compatibility language. The
compatability language is provided for emulation of older power supply systems and is described in Appendix G. Sending
the command causes:
The alternate language to become active and to be stored in nonvolatile memory.
The power supply to reset to the state stored in Location 0.
If the power supply is shut off, it will resume operation in the last-selected language when power is restored.
Command Syntax SYSTem:LANGuage <string>
Syntax is the same, regardless of the present language.
Parameters TMSL | COMPatibility
Note: Parameter TMSL must be used in place of SCPI.
Default Value TMSL or last selected language.
Query Syntax SYSTem:LANGuage?
Returned Parameters <CRD> TMSL | COMP
Related Commands (None)
This query returns the SCPI version number to which the power supply complies. The returned value is of the form
YYYY.V, where YYYY represents the year and V is the revision number for that year.
Query Syntax SYSTem:VERSion?
Parameters (none)
Returned Parameters <NR2>
Related Commands (None)