EMG Business Management System Manual
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The current version is available at the EMG Document Map website: http://emg.communications.agilent.com/quality/bms/040318_docMap.asp
(c) Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2002, AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES
Global Financial Services (GFS) provides efficient, compliant global financial services enabling
businesses to focus on their objectives. The primary areas of responsibility include process and
operations for sales accounting, collections, general accounting, financial planning and controls and
country operations. Accounts Receivable and Collections process maintains short collection
periods, minimizes bad debt through collection efforts, minimizes potential disputes, monitors
customer pay trends, and educates customers on payment terms of the invoice. This function is
managed at the Agilent level.
Agilent Marketing Policy and Contract Solution Organization are responsible for creating contract
documents and terms, which balance Agilent requirements, and customer needs and are
appropriate for the specific business or industry.
The Agilent web site: http://customerfirst.corporate.agilent.com/Contracts/Index.shtml
4.6.2 Human Resource Management (6.2) (HR)
HR‟s role is to be the architect of organizational capability and human potential. HR‟s contributions
aim to increase the productivity and effectiveness of individuals and teams in order for EMG to meet
and exceed business objectives. HR has three primary goals: Build a stronger deeper leadership
bench; Re-enforce EMG as a best place to work; create a simpler, best in class HR function and
HR services. EMG believes, by attaining these goals that HR will create a competitive advantage
for EMG through people practices and a high-performance culture. Success is monitored quarterly
and measured annually at the Group level via external and internal metrics and surveys focused on
our three primary objectives.
HR Web site: http://EMG.communications.agilent.com/toolkit/Decisions/dec35.asp
Click here to see the HR‟s Service Description.
4.6.3 Information Technology (IT) (6.3, 6.4)
IT ensures delivery of all information technology services to enable EMG to be a high growth, high
performance company. Business fundamentals measure the success of IT results.
Reference Web Sites: IT Web site, IT Service Description.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (6.1, 6.3)
ERP systems (part of IT) integrate departments and functions across the company into single systems that
serve all those different departments and their particular needs. EMG utilises Oracle‟s Enterprise Resource
Planning system as the cornerstone of EMG‟s business process reengineering and transformation initiative.
The documented processes are located in the Knowledge Portal at:
4.6.4 Work Place Services (WPS) Plant, Equipment and Facilities Management (6.3, 6.4)
The Global Work Place Services organization ensures that the facilities used by the Businesses
meet EMG‟s and government standards for safety, that environment regulations are met, and that
the physical plant is adequate to meet the needs of the other functions in performing their
responsibilities. Click here to see WPS Service descriptions manual.
WPS web site can be found at. http://wps.service.agilent.com/
EMG is registered to ISO14001. The Environmental Management System web site can be found at:
There are many Health and Safety programs in place within EMG. The Environmental Health and
Safety web site can be found at: https://wps.service.agilent.com/global_ehs/Ergonomics