
PinPoint EDGE/GPRS - User Guide, version 2.32 45
Global Positioning System (GPS)
acknowledged. The PinPoint will continue until the server acknowledges receipt. When the Pin-
Point receives the acknowledgement, it will advance its “window” to the next group.
When the PinPoint is first powered on (or reset), it will send a Set Window message to sync up
with the server for the current “window”.
On the other side, if the server receives an out of sequence packet, it will send a message to the
modem noting the missing sequence and the PinPoint will retransmit.
GPS Time, Latitude, and Longitude can be added, *UDPRGPS, to the packet sequence data for
Reliable Mode.
FIGURE 19. Wireless Ace: Adding GPS Time, Latitude, and Longitude to Reliable UDP
Sending Reports
You can configure the PinPoint to send reports based on a time interval and on the movement of a
vehicle (based on it’s position from one time to the next).
FIGURE 20. Wireless Ace: Automatic Reports
*PPTIME - Location report sent every set time interval (seconds).
*PPDIST - Location report sent only if the position is more than the set distance (x 100 meters)
*PPTSV - Location report sent if the vehicle has been in one location (stationary) for more than
a set time interval (minutes).
*PPMINTIME - Location report sent at no less than this time interval (seconds).
Flush on Event
If you have events enabled, with *PPFLUSHONEVT, you can configure the PinPoint to flush the
SnF buffer when an event occurs. This will immediately send all pending SnF messages to the
host. This allows an event, such as a vehicle being powered on or a tow bar activated, to be imme
diately sent, so its cause can be acted on without delay.
Note: Using SnF Reliable Mode can cause excessive data traffic if the sequence
number is not returned.