PinPoint EDGE/GPRS - User Guide, version 2.32 80
AT Commands: Serial
speed=300 | 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 115200 | 230400
databits=7 or 8
parity=O : Odd
parity=E : Even
parity=N : None
parity=M: Mark
stopbits=1 | 1.5 | 2
Example: ATS23=19200,8N1 (sets modem to 19200, etc.)
Can also be set using &L=[speed],[databits] [parity][stop bits]
Note: Databits MUST be 8 data bits for PPP mode.
Data forwarding idle time-out. If set to 0, a forwarding time-out of 10ms is used.
n=tenths of seconds
Used in UDP or TCP PAD mode.
PAD data forwarding character.
n=ASCII code of character that will cause data to be forwarded.
n=0 : No forwarding character.
Used in UDP or TCP PAD mode.
For applications or situations where hardware control of the DTR signal is not possible, the
modem can be configured to ignore DTR. When Ignore DTR is enabled, the modem operates
as if the DTR signal is always asserted.
n=0 : Use hardware DTR. (default).
n=1 : Ignore DTR.
n=3 : Ignore DTR and assert DSR. This value is deprecated, and it is recommended to use &S to control
the DSR instead. When this value is set to 3, &S will automatically be set to 0. See also: &D and &S.
Command Response Mode.
n=0 : Terse (numeric) command responses
n=1 : Verbose command responses (Default).
Extended Call Progress Result mode.
n=0 : Turn off extended result codes (Default).