4. Downloading/Backing up Files Through 2-Bay NAS
This section will describe one of the built in features of 2-Bay NAS to automatically download
files via either FTP or HTTP directly to the NAS storage by itself without using a computer.
These downloads can be started immediately or scheduled for a later time and will also send
out an email alert to notify the user of the download status if desired.
If you are in the configuration mode, click LOGOUT to exit the web configuration, and log in
to the download page by clicking the Schedule Downloads button on the login dialog box.
The Main menu of Download page will display as below. There is a menu bar at the top of the
window, where contains four items that allow you to configure your download task.
• SCHEDULING – set up your download schedule.
• STATUS – provide the information of the download status.
• SUPPORT – provide the online help for the 2-Bay NAS.
• LOGOUT – click to exit the download page.
NOTE: If the administrator has added users of the 2-Bay NAS, the users
can login the Download page with their user name and password.