
4.1 Scheduling
This page allows you to setup your download tasks on the 2-Bay NAS. Enter the required
information in the relative fields.
Scheduling Settings: Configure download and backup schedules here.
o Login Method: According to the settings of target server, choose Account or
Anonymous. When you choose Account, you have to enter the correct user
name and password.
o Type: Select File or Folder, depending on what you want to download or
o URL: Enter the URL address of target server. For example, or ftp://ftp.yourftp.com/public/file1.avi
o Click test to test the connection. Click Local to set the source file or folder from
one of the internal drive volumes.
o Save to: Click Browse to locate the file or folder, and then click OK to accept
the network path.
o When: You have to set up the start-up time to download files from the pull-
down menu of the Date and Time options.
o Recurring Backup: Designate the interval and time you want the backup or
download to run unattended. By default, all local backups and file/folder
downloads are in Overwrite mode, meaning that identical files in the destination
folder will be overwritten by the source files. Checking Incremental Backup will