WMM prioritizes traffic according to four Access Categories (AC) - voice, video, best effort, and background. However, it
does not provide guaranteed throughput. Packets with QoS header including Diffserv/IP ToS and 802.1p will be mapped
into 4 Access Categories of WMM, packets without QoS header will be assigned to the Best Effort queue. Please refer to
the table below for mapping from 802.1p and ToS mapping to WMM:
Data Transmitted
Clients to AP
Priority Description
AC_BK Background.
1, 2 Low
High throughput. Bulk data that requires maximum
throughput and is not time-sensitive is sent to this queue
(FTP data, for example).
AC_BE Best Effort 0, 3 Medium
Medium throughput and delay. Most traditional IP data is
sent to this queue
AC_VI Video
4, 5 High
Minimum delay. Time-sensitive video data is automatically
sent to this queue
AC_VO Voice
6, 7 High
Time-sensitive data like VoIP and streaming media are
automatically sent to this queue
Security Type : Option is “Disabled”, “WEP” or “AES” from drop-down list. Needs the same type to build WDS links.
Security type takes effect when WDS is enabled.
Î WEP Key : Enter HEX or ASCII WEP key at different length as shown below. This system supports up to 4 sets of
WEP keys.
9 Key Length : The available options are 64 bits, 128 bits or 152 bits.
9 WEP auth Method : Enable the desired option among Open system and Shared.
9 Key Index : key index is used to designate the WEP key during data transmission. 4 different WEP keys can be
entered at the same time, but only one is chosen.
9 WEP Key # : Enter HEX or ASCII format WEP key value; the system supports up to 4 sets of WEP keys.
Key Length Hex ASCII
64-bit 10 characters 5 characters
128-bit 26 characters 13 characters
152-bit 32 characters 16 characters
Î AES Key : Enter 32 HEX characters AES key.