9 Key Length : The available options are 64 bits, 128 bits or 152 bits.
9 WEP auth Method : Enable the desired option among Open system and Shared.
9 Key Index : key index is used to designate the WEP key during data transmission. 4 different WEP keys can be
entered at the same time, but only one is chosen.
9 WEP Key # : Enter HEX or ASCII format WEP key value; the system supports up to 4 sets of WEP keys.
Key Length Hex ASCII
64-bit 10 characters 5 characters
128-bit 26 characters 13 characters
152-bit 32 characters 16 characters
Î WPA-PSK (or WPA2-PSK) : WPA (or WPA2)Algorithms, allows the system accessing the network by using the
WPA-PSK protected access.
9 Cipher Suite : Select either AES or TKIP for the Cipher Suite.
9 Key Type : Select either ASCII or HEX format for the Pre-shared Key.
9 Pre-shared Key : Enter the pre-shared key; the format shall go with the selected key type.
Pre-shared key can be entered with either a 256-bit secret in 64 HEX digits format, or 8 to 63 ASCII characters.
Click Save button to save your changes. Click Reboot button to activate your changes.