Overview: Chapter 4
DM5 Reference Manual 27
After selecting the parameter to be edited, use the [VALUE] knob to vary its value.
Once a Drum Set has been edited, a period appears in the display after the Drum Set
number. Example: This Drum Set has been edited. Notice the period on the right.
Standard Set .
The period reminds you that if the [VALUE] knob is rotated and another Drum Set is
selected, any changes made to the current Drum Set will be lost.
The [STORE] button saves edited Drum Sets by overwriting existing Drum Set data
with the contents of the edit buffer. See page 12 for more information.
[NOTE CHASE] allows a MIDI note or acoustic trigger to choose a particular note (and
therefore its assigned drum sound) to be edited (see below).
You can tap the velocity-sensitive [PREVIEW] button at any time to trigger the
currently selected sound.
The [VOICE], [TUNE], [MIX], [OUTPUT], and [GROUP] Function buttons all require
selecting a particular drum note for editing. The middle of the display (labeled NOTE)
indicates the note that is being edited. For example, the Voice selection screen shows:
There are two ways to select the drum sound to be edited or previewed:
• Place the cursor under the note and turn the [VALUE] knob to select a different
• When the [NOTE CHASE] button is turned on (lit), an incoming MIDI note or
external trigger will select the note to be edited (and the [NOTE CHASE] button will
flash). This makes it easy to change the same parameter for all drums; call up the
editing function (Voice, Tune, Mix, etc.) and select various drums by playing
their associated keys/triggers. The display will read out the MIDI note number
and note name (Example: 36 C1).
Tip: Chase can also be used as a piece of “MIDI test equipment” to determine the
note number of an incoming MIDI note. This will only happen if the sending device
is on the same MIDI channel as the DM5 and if the sending note is within the note
range of the currently selected drum kit.