Overview: Chapter 4
DM5 Reference Manual 29
Press [MIX], and the display shows the selected MIDI note number in the middle and
two parameters, Volume and Pan, on the top line.
To change the Volume, use the [ ] and [ ] buttons to place the cursor under the
Vol value and turn the [VALUE] knob. Values are variable from 00 to 99.
The DM5 has two pairs of stereo outputs. Drum sounds can be assigned to either pair
of outputs as described in the following section, and placed anywhere within the
stereo field of the assigned outputs via the pan function.
To change a drum’s panning (position in the stereo field), use the [ ] and [ ]
buttons to place the cursor under the Pan value and turn the [VALUE] knob. The seven
available pan positions correspond to the number shown in parentheses: hard left
(<3), soft left (<2), left of center (<1), center (0), right of center (1>), soft right (2>), and
hard right (3>).
Note: When heard from the drummer’s perspective, the high-hat will usually be on
the left, snare and kick in the center, and toms trailing from left-center to right. Of
course, one of the advantages of electronic drum sets is that you need not follow any
standard way of placing drum sounds in the stereo field.
Press [OUTPUT], and the display shows the selected MIDI note number in the middle
and the drum’s Output assignment on the top line.
To change the output assignment, use the [ ] and [ ] buttons to place the cursor
under the current Output setting and turn the [VALUE] knob. To send the drum sound
to the Main outputs, select Main. To send the drum sound to the Aux outputs, select