Setting Up - Chapter 1
Q20 Reference Manual 11
Setting the Effect/Dry Balance
No matter where you connect the output of the Q20 into the mixer, you are in control
of the balance between the mixerÕs channel inputs (the uneffected signal being
routed to the aux sends and the Mix) and the effect returns coming from the Q20. The
effect returns generally should only contain effected signal, and not have any
uneffected signal mixed with it (since these two signals are blended together at the
If the Program you are using has the L/R IN connected to the L/R OUT, you may be
getting some dry, uneffected signal at the return. Generally, this is not desirable
when using the Q20 with a mixer, since the "dry" signal is already being heard
through the original channelÕs fader. Therefore, in a mixer application you will
want to cut the Q20Õs ProgramÕs path which connects the inputs to the outputs. This
can be done in three ways:
¥ Go to the Mix parameters to bring down the direct level
¥ Go to the Routing function of each program and remove the patch cords
connecting the inputs to the outputs
¥ Turn on the Global Direct Signal Mute function. This is the easiest method.
Most Preset Programs route the L/R IN signal to the L/R OUT.When connecting to a
mixerÕs aux sends and returns. the Global Direct Signal Mute should be set to MUTE.
To remove all direct routings of inputs to outputs on all Programs simultaneously:
➀ Press [GLOBAL].
The [GLOBAL] LED will be lit.
➁ Press [< PAGE] once.
This selects Global Page 9. The display will read:
➂ Turn the [VALUE/ENTER] knob to the right until the display reads ÒON.Ó
The next Program recalled which has the inputs routed to the outputs will not
display the patch cords for these connections nor will you hear any direct
uneffected signal at the outputs.