Description of Controls - Chapter 5
Q20 Reference Manual 75
Page 6: Dig In/Out Channels. When using the Alesis Optical DIGITAL [IN]
connector, (Input Audio Source must be set to ÒOPTICAL DATAÓ, see above), this
page allows you to select which of the 8 channels on the optical buss will be routed
to the L and R IN. Both inputs can be set to receive any channel on the buss, from 1 to
8. You can even route the same channel to both inputs. Since the Q20 has two outputs
(left and right), you get to chose which of the 8 channels on the outgoing optical
buss they should be sent on. Both outputs can be routed to any channel on the buss,
from 1 to 8. However, you cannot assign both outputs to the same channel on the
optical buss. For the outputs to be routed at all, the Digital Output Mode must be set
to ÒNORMALÓ (see below).
DIG CH IN: L= 1 ,R=2 OUT: L=1,R=2
Note that the front panel meters only monitor inputs 1 and 2, and the analog outputs
will work only if the output channels are set to 1 and 2.
Page 7: Digital Output Mode. This determines how the ADAT DIGITAL [OUT]
connector will function. When set to ÒNORMALÓ, the Q20Õs L/R OUT is routed to
the DIGITAL [OUT] connector. When set to ÒTHRUÓ, whatever is received at the
DIGITAL [IN] connector is passed on to the DIGITAL [OUT] connector without any
processing occurring on the digital signal within the Q20. Use this mode when you
are connected between to Alesis Optical devices (such as ADAT) between which you
wish to bounce digital audio.
Page 8: Tap Tempo Footswitch. This lets you choose which footswitch jack (either
[ADVANCE] or [BYPASS]) will be used to provide a tap tempo source for setting
delay time, provided the selected Program uses one of the two available tap tempo
delay types. This requires that you have defined an Effect Block as one of the two
Tap Tempo delay types, and that the desired footswitch jack has been selected for
controlling tap tempo.
Page 9: Global Direct Signal. The purpose of this feature is to satisfy the conditions
of a recording studio environment. When connecting the Q20 to a mixing consoleÕs
aux sends and returns, it is generally desirable to remove the direct signal feed from
the outputs of the Q20. Since most Q20 Programs route the L/R IN signal to the L/R
OUT, you will need to remove this connection from the ProgramÕs routing when
connecting to a mixerÕs aux sends and returns. However, this can be done globally for
all Programs using this function. If it is set to ÒONÓ, the inputs will be heard at the
outputs, if the are routed this way in the current Program. By setting this function to
ÒMUTEÓ, you can remove this connection for all Programs without having to delete
the Òpatch cordsÓ in each that route the inputs to the outputs.
When set to ÒMUTEÓ, recalling a Program which has the L/R IN routed to the L/R
OUT will not display those Òpatch cordsÓ so as to avoid confusion. You can,
however, still add or delete these connections, as well as adjust the Direct Signal
Level in Mix mode, and these changes will be remembered when you store the
edited Program. However, as long as the Global Direct Signal function is set to
ÒMUTEÓ, you will not hear the effect of any of these edit.