Editing Programs
Setting the Portamento Mode
Button: [EDIT] [60 PITCH]
Page: 8
Parameter: Prtamento (EXPON, LNEAR, 1-SPD)
Portamento provides a glide in pitch from one note to the next. An
example of this is a steel guitar, where a note slides from one pitch to
another. This parameter determines the sweep’s curve.
With EXPON selected, the pitch change happens more rapidly at first,
then slows down as it approaches the destination pitch.
With LNEAR selected, the portamento glide time is constant. The pitch
takes the same time to reach its destination, regardless of the size of the
With 1-SPD selected, the portamento glide rate is constant, regardless of
the pitch difference between notes, so the pitch takes a longer time to
reach its destination for longer intervals.
Setting the Portamento Glide Time
Button: [EDIT] [60 PITCH]
Page: 9
Parameter: Porta Rate (00 to 99)
This sets the portamento glide time. Higher numbers give longer glide
Setting Monophonic or Polyphonic Mode
Button: [EDIT] [60 PITCH]
Page: 10
Parameter: KeyMde (MONO, POLY, 1-PITCH or 1-PMONO)
In MONO mode, you can play only one note at a time. Portamento
behavior is most predictable in this mode.
POLY mode allows you to play multiple notes at the same time.
In 1-PITCH mode, the program Sound layer will play a single pitch (the
sample used for note C3) throughout the entire keyboard range.
1-PMONO is simply a monophonic version of 1-PITCH.
The Filter Function [70 FILTER]
The Filter function (button [70]) lets you control the tone of each Sound
Setting the Filter Frequency
Button: [EDIT] [70 FILTER]
Page: 1
Parameter: Frequency (00 to 99)
This sets the filter frequency. Lower values give a duller sound; higher
values give a brighter sound. At 00, no sound will pass through the filter
(unless it is being positively modulated by another source). At 99,
non-pitched noise or drum sound, for
example, to fatten up a bass guitar sound
with a hint of kick drum.
NOTE: This parameter interacts with
several others. If you hear no change when
you raise the Filter Frequency amount, try
lowering the F-ENV>FILT parameter.
TIP: Since the waveforms in the QS ROM
are recorded at the brightest possible
setting, filtering is often required to making
a program sound natural.
NOTE: If a Sound layer’s Keyboard Mode
is set to MONO, the envelopes will only re-
trigger when playing legato if the Trigger
Mode is set to Reset or Reset
-Freerun. For
more information on this, see the Envelope
Trigger functions.
TIP: With a feedback guitar patch that uses
one Sound for the guitar and another for the
feedback, set the feedback Sound to Mono to
insure that the feedback “whistle” will be
monophonic, which more accurately mimics
what happens in reality.