Selecting the Tracking Generator Input
Button: [EDIT] [9 TRACK GEN]
Page: 1
Parameter: Input (see below)
Select the input of the Tracking Generator from the following sources:
• Note Number • Mod Wheel • Pedal 2 • Filter Envelope
• Velocity • Pitch Wheel • Pitch LFO • Amp Envelope
• Release Velocity • MIDI Volume • Filter LFO • Random
• Aftertouch • Sustain Pedal • Amp LFO • Trig Rate
• Poly Pressure • Pedal 1 • Pitch Envelope • Controllers A–D
For detailed descriptions of each of these sources, see the section
“Modulation Source” in the Mod section.
Setting a Tracking Point
Button: [EDIT] [9 TRACK GEN]
Pages: 2-12 (for points 0-10)
Parameter: Input (00 to 100)
The remaining pages of the TRACK GEN function control the levels of
the tracking points 0-10. Select the various Points with the [PAGE]
buttons, and change the values in the usual ways. A higher number
increases the impact that Point will have on whatever the Mod
destination is.
TIP: You can create your own custom
velocity curves using the Tracking
Generator and the Mod section. It's easier
to do this if you start with the MINIMUM
velocity curve (under the [AMP/RANGE]
function). Then select an available Mod
(say Mod 1), and on page 1 select
TRACKGEN as your source. On page 2
select Amplitude as your destination, and
then set the level to +99 on page 3. On
button [9], page 1, select Velocity as your
Input and then experiment with the ways
different numbers affect the velocity
response as you input values for Points 0-