Publication 1794-6.5.12 - September 2011
70 Index
type K 24, 67
type N 24, 69
type R 24, 68
type S 24, 68
type T 24, 69
type TXK/XKL(L) 24, 70
RF immunity 56
RSLinx 57, 58
RSLogix 5000 software 4, 8, 21, 57
RSLogix 5 software 57
RSNetworx 57, 58
analog input mapping 31
2-wire 18, 36, 37
3-wire 18, 25, 36, 37
3-wire connection 17
4-wire 18, 25, 36, 37, 41
4-wire connection 17
disconnecting 19
fault mode 29
isolators 19, 30
loop channel compensation 44
mode 29
offset 29, 32, 37, 42
wire pairs 17
Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) 56
CJC 36
mode 24, 25, 32, 28, 35, 42
RTD Type 29
RTD type 36
thermocouple type 29, 36
type 24, 32, 28, 29, 35, 36
series A 7, 8, 38
series B 7, 8, 38, 43
shock 55
analog to binary 3
conductors 55
wiring 16
SLC 21
accuracy vs. filter cutoff 53
cold junction compensation 54
common mode input range 53
common mode rejection 53
conducted RF immunity 56
data format 53
DIN rail 11
emissions 55
enclosure type rating 55
ESD immunity 55
general 53
indicators 54
isolation voltage 54
module location 53
nominal input voltage 53
number of inputs 53
open circuit 54
overall drift with temperature 54
overvoltage capability 54
radiated RF immunity 56
relative humidity 55
resolution 53
supply voltage 54
supported RTD 53
supported thermocouple 53
system throughput 54
temperature 55
vibration 55
wire size 55
status indicator
diagnostic 43
fault 51
power 52
supply voltage 54
surge transient immunity 56
T4 55
T4A 55
ambient 28
code 55
non-operating 55
operating 55
terminal base 1, 2, 7, 10, 13, 55
installation 12
mounting 10
wiring 8
thermal dissipation 54
thermocouple 2, 24, 25, 28, 30, 36, 39, 42, 60
mode 8
resolution curves 65
wiring 18
precision resistors 40
precision voltage source 40
calibration 40
interconnect cable 40