Asynchronous Serial Port
11.2.5 Serial Port Baud Rate Divisor Register (SPBAUD, Offset 88h)
This register (Figure 11-5) specifies a clock divisor for the generation of the serial clock
that controls the serial port. The serial clock rate is 16 times the baud rate of transmission
or reception of data. The SPBAUD register specifies the number of internal processor cycles
in one
(half period) of the 16x serial clock.
If power-save mode is in effect, the baud rate divisor must be reprogrammed to reflect the
new processor clock frequency.
A general formula for the baud rate divisor is:
BAUDDIV=(Processor Frequency÷(32 ⋅ Baud Rate))–1
The maximum baud rate is 1/32 of the internal processor clock and is achieved by setting
BAUDDIV=0000h. For a 40-MHz clock, a baud rate of 9600 can be achieved with
BAUDDIV=129 (81h). A 1% error applies.
Figure 11-5 Serial Port Baud Rate Divisor Register (SPBAUD, offset 88h)
The value of SPBAUD at reset is undefined.
Bits 15–0: Baud Rate Divisor (BAUDDIV)—This field specifies the divisor for the internal
processor clock that generates one phase (half period) of the serial clock. The serial clock
operates at 16 times the data transmission or reception baud rate.
Table 11-3 shows baud rate divisors for a range of common baud rates and processor clock
Table 11-3 Serial Port Baud Rate Table
Baud Rate
Divisor Based on CPU Clock Rate
20 MHz 25 MHz 33 MHz 40 MHz
300 2082 2603 3471 4165
600 1040 1301 1735 2082
1200 519 650 867 1040
2400 259 324 433 519
4800 129 161 216 259
9600 64 80 107 129
14,400 42 53 71 85
19,200 31 39 53 64
625 Kbaud 0 N/A N/A 1
781.25 Kbaud N/A 0 N/A N/A
1.041 Mbaud N/A N/A 0 N/A
1.25 Mbaud N/A N/A N/A 0