Interrupt Control Unit
8-3 Software Exceptions
A software exception interrupt occurs when an instruction causes an interrupt due to some
condition in the processor. Interrupt types 00h, 01h, 03h, 04h, 05h, 06h, and 07h are
software exception interrupts. Software exceptions are not maskable and are not affected
by the setting of the IF flag.
Table 8-1 Am186ER and Am188ER Microcontroller Interrupt Types
1 Interrupts generated as a result of an instruction execution.
2 Trace is performed in the same manner as 80C186 and 80C188.
3 An ESC opcode causes a trap. This is part of the 80C186 and 80C188 co-processor interface, which is not
supported on the Am186ER.
4 All three timers constitute one source of request to the interrupt controller. As such, they share the same priority
level with respect to other interrupt sources. However, the timers have a defined priority order among themselves
5 The interrupt types of these sources are programmable in Slave mode.
6 Not available in Slave mode.
Interrupt Name
Vector Table
Instructions Notes
Maskable Interrupts
Divide Error Exception 00h 00h N/A 1 DIV, IDIV 1
Trace Interrupt 01h 04h N/A 1A All 2
Nonmaskable Interrupt (NMI) 02h 08h N/A 1B
Breakpoint Interrupt 03h 0Ch N/A 1 INT 3 1
INTO Detected Overflow Exception 04h 10h N/A 1 INTO 1
Array Bounds Exception 05h 14h N/A 1 BOUND 1
Unused Opcode Exception 06h 18h N/A 1 Undefined
ESC Opcode Exception 07h 1Ch N/A 1 ESC Opcodes 1, 3
Maskable Interrupts
Timer 0 Interrupt 08h 20h 08 2A 4, 5
Timer 1 Interrupt 12h 48h 08 2B 4, 5
Timer 2 Interrupt 13h 4Ch 08 2C 4, 5
Reserved for AMD Use 09h
DMA 0 Interrupt 0Ah 28h 0A 3 5
DMA 1 Interrupt 0Bh 2Ch 0B 4 5
INT0 Interrupt 0Ch 30h 0C 5
INT1 Interrupt 0Dh 34h 0D 6
INT2 Interrupt 0Eh 38h 0E 7
INT3 Interrupt 0Fh 3Ch 0F 8
INT4 Interrupt 10h 40h 10 9 6
Watchdog Timer Interrupt 11h 44h 11 9 6
Asynchronous Serial Port Interrupt 14h 50h 14 9 6
Reserved for AMD Use 15h–1Fh