Step 5. While pressing the Ref Flat against the center pin,
check that the pointer aligns with the “0” mark. If it
does not, loosen the bezel lockscrew and rotate the
bezel to align the pointer with the “0” mark. Tighten
the bezel lock screw.
Gently rock the Ref Flat against the center
pin to ensure that it is fully depressed and
you have accurately set the gauge for zero.
Step 6. Remove the sliding termination with the fe
male-connector (17KF50, for this example) from the
kit, and slide the load all the way toward the end
closest to the connector.
Step 7. With either hand, pick up the sliding termination
near its connector end.
Step 8. Cup the sliding termination in your palm, and sup
port the barrel between your body and crooked el
37xxxE OM 7-15