Choosing FREQ/DIST in Spectrum Analyzer mode causes the soft keys, below, to be dis
played and the corresponding values to be shown in the message area.
CENTER ¾ Sets the center frequency of the Spectrum Analyzer display . En
ter a value using the Up/Down arrow key or keypad, press
ENTER to accept,
ESCAPE to restore previous value.
SPAN ¾ Sets the user-defined frequency span. Use the Up/Down arrow key
or keypad to enter a value in MHz. Also brings up
FULL and ZERO softkeys.
EDIT allows editing of the frequency span. Enter a value using the num
ber keys.
FULL span sets the Spectrum Analyzer to its maximum frequency span.
ZERO span sets the span to 0 Hz. This displays the input signal in an am
plitude versus time mode, which is useful for viewing modulation.
SPAN UP 1-2-5 activates the span function so that the span may be in
creased quickly in a 1-2-5 sequence.
SPAN DOWN 1-2-5 activates the span function so that the span may be
reduced quickly in a 1-2-5 sequence.
BACK returns to the previous menu level.
START ¾ Sets the Spectrum Analyzer in the START-STOP mode. Enter a
start frequency value (in kHz, MHz, or GHz) using the Up/Down arrow key
or keypad, press
ENTER to accept, ESCAPE to restore.
q STOP ¾ Sets the Spectrum Analyzer in the START-STOP mode. Enter a
stop frequency value (in kHz, MHz, or GHz) using the Up/Down arrow key
or keypad, press
ENTER to accept, ESCAPE to restore.
Chapter 2 Functions and Operations