Uploading Antenna Factors
To upload antenna information from Software Tools to the Site Master:
Step 1. Connect the RS232 cable between the PC and the Site Master.
Step 2. Click on the
Upload button on the tool bar (or select Upload from the Tools
menu). It is important to note that the Site Master must sweep very quickly dur
ing the data transfer, at least every 5 seconds, or the Software Tools program
may “time-out.” To improve the chances of a successful upload, increase the
RBW and VBW settings to the maximum.
Step 3. To determine if the antenna information has been successfully uploaded to the
Site Master, press the measure function key (#4 key) and activate the field
strength measurement by pressing the ON/OFF soft key.
Creating a Database
A single trace or a block of traces can be transferred from the Site Master to the PC. A sep
arate database can be created for each cellular site. The site name can be used as the data
base name.
Step 1. Select the
File menu and select the Database.
Step 2. Open an existing database or create a new database with a descriptive filename
that represents the site name.
Once the database has been created, files can be saved and site information can be added,
such as Plot Description, Date/Time, Operator, record/trace number and session description
(Transmitter type etc.)
Individual plots will be labeled with the Database Site Name. Each record has its own plot
description and measurement type (for example, Return Loss-antenna, Return Loss-cable,
and DTF-Return Loss).
Printing Formats
One to multiple plots per page can be set up under the print format in Site Master Software
Tools. Orientation of how the plots are printed on the page can be changed from vertical to
Chapter 7 Software Tools Program