
7.0 Electrical Installation
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DOC012R02 AOC 15/50 User Manual Nov 2001
The following sections discuss the wind turbine wiring and utility connection requirements
and procedures. Wire connections to the three-phase control box, dynamic brake boxes
and twist cable junction box are site specific, but should follow the general guidelines and
wiring drawings available from AOC.
7.1 Electrical Interface to Utility
The utility interface is site specific and must be coordinated with the local utility or other
responsible party. A kWh meter for each machine is recommended.
The wind turbine may be interfaced with a preexisting low voltage 480V 60Hz (400V 50Hz)
supply or it may require its own step up transformer to the system distribution voltage.
Interface at the 400/480 VAC level:
For single wind turbine installations the wind turbine can be interfaced directly with the
480/400 VAC utility system, if sufficient transformer capacity exists (75 kVA per
turbine). This also applies to commercial and industrial installations with an adequately
sized 480/400 VAC panel and distribution system. The wind turbine should be on a
dedicated circuit breaker/fuse of proper capacity rating.
Interface at voltage levels greater than 480/400 VAC:
For single or multiple wind turbine installations it may be necessary and/or desirable to
install a step up transformer between the 480/400 VAC wind turbine and the higher
voltage utility system. For example, in a single unit installation interfacing with a 13.8
kV utility system, a minimum 75 kVA transformer with a 13.8 kV/480V ratio would be
necessary. Since wind turbine output is variable, care must be taken to properly size the
step-up transformer. The winding configuration may also affect system performance.
The AOC 15/50 generator is WYE connected. The interfacing transformer is typically
connected with WYE primary and DELTA secondary.
Figure 7-1 illustrates the simplest form of a utility interface. Utility interconnection should be
specifically engineered for each site. This manual only suggests installation procedures from the
control box to the wind turbine. Applicable national and local codes must be followed. Careful
research and consultation during the planning stage can avoid expensive and dangerous mistakes.
A licensed electrician may be required to install all interconnection wiring. See Appendix M for
details on wire sizing.