
NOTICE: Use of the material contained in this document is subject to the warning on page Iv and the disclaimer
on page v of this document.
DOC012R02 AOC 15/50 User Manual Nov 2001
This manual is intended as a guide only. It should not be considered as a replacement for
professional services or as a definitive text for assembling and installing wind turbine
generating systems.
Atlantic Orient Corporation, its affiliates and representatives make no warranties either
expressed or implied that the information contained herein is accurate or complete.
Atlantic Orient Corporation makes no warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose and/or site. Atlantic Orient Corporation will not be responsible for any
direct or consequential damages, or any incidental expense.
All instructions and diagrams are believed to be accurate at the time of publishing. Note
that success and safety in working with tools depend greatly on individual accuracy, skill
and caution. For this reason, Atlantic Orient Corporation or its affiliates are not able to
guarantee the result of any procedure contained herein, nor can they assume responsibility
for any damage to property or injury to persons resulting from the procedures contained in
this manual. Persons engaging in the procedures do so at their own risk.
Actual wind resources and site conditions impact on energy production, which will vary
with wind turbine maintenance, altitude, temperature, topography and the proximity to
other structures. Therefore, Atlantic Orient Corporation makes no representation or
warranties regarding energy production.
Atlantic Orient Corporation is constantly striving to improve its products and, therefore,
the information contained within this manual is subject to change without notice.