25NetworkAIR ACPA4000
How to download firmware
Path: Main Menu > Setup > Firmware Updates.
To download firmware:
1. Go to www.apc.com/tools/download/ and check for the most recent version of the firmware.
2. If a newer version is available, download it to a location that can be accessed in step 5.
3. Set up the serial connection:
a. Connect an available serial port of your computer to the serial port on the back of the unit
using the supplied serial cable.
b. Run a terminal emulation program, such as Windows
c. Configure the following settings on the serial port you will use:
Note: Some terminal emulation programs require that you disconnect and then
reconnect for the new serial port settings to take effect.
4. On the display interface, Select YES, Start download from the Firmware Updates option of the
Setup menu.
5. In your terminal emulator, ensure that the connection is active (HyperTerminal displays a series
of “C” characters), and send the file using the Xmodem protocol.
When the download is complete, the new version is displayed on the screen.
Note: The equipment shuts down during the firmware update process.
Baud Rate 19200
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None