29NetworkAIR ACPA4000
Responding to Alarms
When an alarm condition is triggered, the Portable Air Conditioning Unit alerts you through the:
• Alarm beeper
• Alarm or warning LED
• Active alarm screen
• Alarm/Event log
Depending on the severity of the alarm, you may need to take action to clear the alarm condition or to
resume operation.
See “Alarm messages” on page 31 for a listing of alarms and the actions required to clear
Silencing the alarm beeper
Path: Main Menu > Alarms & Logging > Alarm Beeper.
An active alarm causes an audible alarm from the display interface (one short tone in 30-second
intervals) until the alarm is cleared or the beeper is silenced. To silence the beeper, follow the path above
and choose one of the following options:
• Silence Active Alarm
• Silence All Alarms (you must re-activate the beeper to receive future audible alarm alerts).
See “Beeper Volume” on page 23 for information about changing the beeper volume.
Warning or alarm LED
When an alarm condition occurs, the Check Log LED and either the Warning LED or Alarm LED are
activated. The alarm and warning LEDs cannot be deactivated manually; the alarm condition must be
cleared to deactivate them.
Warning LED. Requires action, but is not critical to equipment operation.
Alarm LED. Requires action to continue equipment operation.