Configuring LDAP
LDAP is a vendor-independent protocol standard used for accessing, querying and updating a
directory using TCP/IP. Based on the X.500 Directory Services model, LDAP is a global directory
structure that supports strong security features including authentication, privacy and integrity.
LDAP Authentication Configuration Parameters
If individual user accounts are stored on an LDAP-enabled directory service, such as Active
Directory, you can use the directory service to authenticate users.
The default values given for the LDAP search and query parameters are defined for use with Active
The settings made in the Authentication subcategory of the Configure tab let you configure your
authentication configuration parameters. The software sends the Network Access Software user
name, password and other information to the KVM switch, which then determines whether the
Network Access Software user has permission to view or change configuration parameters for the
KVM switch in the web interface.
NOTE: The LDAP default values should be used unless specified otherwise or Active Directory has been
reconfigured. Modifying the default values may cause LDAP authentication server communication errors.
LDAP parameters
Clicking the Authentication tab in the Appliance subcategory of the Configure tab displays the
parameters that define LDAP server connection information.
LDAP authentication priority
You can disable LDAP, or you can set the authentication priority by choosing whether local
authentication or LDAP authentication should happen first.