Chapter 3: Basic Operations 28
NOTE: This function is for Microsoft Windows-based computers only. Resetting the keyboard and mouse on a
target device running any other operating system might require you to reboot that target device.
To reset the local mouse and keyboard
1. Press Print Screen. The Main window opens.
2. Click Commands — Device Reset.
3. Click Version > Reset. A message is displayed stating the mouse and keyboard are reset.
4. Click OK.
Power Controlling Devices
Power window
Through the Power window, you can view which outlets control which devices and whether the
outlet is on or off. You can also turn on, turn off or cycle power to a selected device. The status of
each outlet is indicated by one or more status symbols in the right column.
Table 3.6 describes the
status symbols.
To turn on, turn off or cycle power to a device:
1. Press Print Screen. The Main window opens.
2. Click Commands - Power.
3. Select the device you wish to control.
NOTE: Multiple devices may be selected.
4. Click On, Off or Cycle, as appropriate.
Table 3.6: Power Window Status Symbols
Symbol Description
Outlet is on.
Outlet is off.
Outlet is waiting to go on.
Outlet is waiting to go off.