
Chapter 4 Get started with MainStage 32
8 For audio and external instrument channel strips, gradually raise the volume fader until you hear
sound on the channel.
You can adjust channel strip output using the Volume fader, adjust pan position using the Pan
knob, and mute or solo the channel strip using the Mute and Solo buttons. For audio channel
strips, you can switch between mono and stereo format using the Format button. For software
instrument channel strips, you can choose a dierent instrument from the Input pop-up menu.
You can choose new channel strip settings, add and edit eects, add sends to busses, and
change the output using the controls on the channel strip.
You can also dene the key range for a channel strip, create transform and velocity graphs,
and lter various MIDI messages to a channel strip in the Channel Strip Inspector. For more
information about using channel strips in MainStage, see Channel strips overview on page 45.