
Chapter 5 Work in Edit mode 74
Edit the saved value for a mapped parameter
Each mapped parameter has a saved value. If you set the Parameter Values: On Patch Change
pop-up menu to “Reset to saved value” in MainStage General preferences or in the Attributes tab
of the Screen Control Inspector, the parameter value for a patch returns to the last saved value
when you change patches.
You can view and edit the saved value for each parameter mapping in the Screen Control
Inspector. If you change the value of a parameter in performance by manipulating screen
controls, those changes are saved only for the selected patch. Editing the saved value in the
Screen Control Inspector ensures that the value is saved, regardless of whether the patch is
To have MainStage reset patch parameters each time you select a patch, choose “Reset to saved
value” from the On Patch Change pop-up menu. You can edit the saved values directly in the
Screen Control Inspector, or by manipulating screen controls in a patch, then saving the concert
with the patch selected. This behavior is similar to a hardware synthesizer or eects unit.
To have MainStage save all changes to all patches when saving the concert, choose 'Keep current
value' from the On Patch Change pop-up menu. With this setting, when you save the concert, all
edits made to all patches are saved in the concert. This behavior is similar to many document-
based computer applications.
Edit the saved value for a parameter
1 In the Screen Control Inspector, click the tab for the mapping.
The current saved value for the parameter appears in the Saved Value value slider.
2 To edit the saved value, do one of the following:
Change the value in the Saved Value value slider.
Drag the slider to the right of the value slider left or right.
Note: When you save a concert, the current value of each screen control in the currently selected
patch is saved in the concert. You can see the values update in the Screen Control Inspector.
When you export a patch, the current parameter values become the saved values in the
exported patch.
Set drum pads or buttons to use note velocity
When you map a drum pad or button to a non-binary parameter (for example, to Volume
or Expression), you can set the screen control to use note velocity. This can make help make
performing with these controls more dynamic and expressive.
Set a drum pad or button screen control to use note velocity
1 Map the screen control to a non-binary parameter, such as Volume.
2 In the Screen Control Inspector, click the tab for the mapping.
3 Select the “Use note velocity” checkbox.