RPC Operations Guide, Page 38
Preferences - General
Autosave Ramp Archives Every XX Minutes
When checked, this option will save Ramp Archives to the hard disk in the time interval specified.
Saving is suspended while connected to a camera and the camera is running.
On Startup
Choose here what the Ramp Preview Controller should do when it starts up.
• Do Nothing: The program will start with the Camera Controller and Connect to Camera windows in
the same positions that they were in when the program was quit.
• Ask which Existing Ramp Archive to Open: the program will bring up a dialog asking you to open an
existing ramp archive file.
• Open Default Ramp Archive: Here you can select a ramp archive that will automatically be opened
when the program starts. The file's name will be displayed underneath this option. Use the "Select"
button to choose a file.
Show Film in
This sets the unit of measurement (feet or meters) that will be used in the Ramp Editor and in the
Preview window to display the amount of film needed. Note: The Camera Controller will always use
the unit of measurement of the camera to display the camera film counter.