RPC Operations Guide, Page 6
Customer Support & Legal
For technical support, send an email to rpc@arri.com, or contact one of the following ARRI affiliates:
Germany Arnold & Richter Cine Technik
Türkenstraße 89, D-80799 Munich, Germany
Voice phone: +49 (0)89 3809-0, FAX: +49 (0)89 3809-1244
Email: webmaster@arri.de
Canada ARRI Canada Limited
415 Horner Avenue, Unit 11, Toronto, Ontario, M8W 4W4 Canada
Voice phone: +416 255 3335, FAX: +416 255 3399
Email: email@arrican.com
England ARRI GB Ltd.
1-3 Airlinks, Spitfire Way, Heston, Middlesex, TW5 9NR, England
Voice phone:+44 (0)181 848 8881, FAX: +44 (0)181 561 1312
Email: Info@arri-gb.com
Italy ARRI Italia S.r.l., Head Office
Edison 318, 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (Milan), Italy
Voice Phone: +39 (02) 262 271 75, FAX: +39 (02) 242 1692
Email: info@arri.it
ARRI Italia S.r.l.
Via Placonia 97, 00040 Morena (Rome), Italy
Voice Phone: +39 (06) 79 89 021, FAX: +39 (06) 79 89 02 206
Email: info@arri.it
USA ARRI USA Inc., East Coast
617 Route 303, Blauvelt, NY 10913-1109, USA
Voice phone: 845-353-1400, FAX: 845-425-1250
Email: arriflex@arri.com
ARRI USA Inc., West Coast
600 North Victory Blvd., Burbank, CA 91502-1639, USA
Voice phone: 818-841-7070, FAX: 818-848-4028
Email: brussell@arri.com
Information about the RPC and more can be found on the ARRI website at:
Neither Arnold & Richter Cine-Technik nor its affiliates are to be held liable in any form for any information given in this
Arnold & Richter Cine-Technik and its affiliates do not assume any responsibility with regard to the performance or use of
the Ramp Preview Controller software and all included files and documentation. Arnold & Richter Cine-Technik and its
affiliates offer no warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, sufficiency, suitability, merchantability or fitness for
a particular purpose of the software or other materials delivered herewith. Customers have the responsibility for inspecting
and testing all functions to their satisfaction before using them with important data. Even though every effort has been made
to ensure that the information in this guide is accurate, the users are encouraged to verify the data presented here for
themselves. Subject to change without notice.
Mention of third party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a
recommendation. Apple, Finder, ImageWriter, LaserWriter, Mac, Macintosh, Hypercard and PowerBook are registered
trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. QuickTime™ and the QuickTime logo are trademarks used under license.
© 2000 Arnold & Richter-Cine Technik. All Rights Reserved.