Page 6-9
This menu allows you to view and configure group information for the
SuperStack II Switch 1000. The group information includes details
about the switch as if it were a part of a device stack.
Table 6-7 describes each field in the Slots menu.
∆ Note: For instructions on using this menu, see “Viewing
Group Information” on page 4-11.
Table 6-7 Slots Menu
Field Description
LocationType Read-only field; displays the types of physical enti-
ties (and their locations) that the device can contain.
A stack/chassis (such as the SuperStack II
Switch 1000) contains a number of physical entities
(such as power supplies and cards/units).
Each physical entity resides at some location. A stack/
chassis can contain a number of types of locations.
Each type of location is specialized to a different pur-
There are five types of locations defined:
❏ (1) modular-slot — a location of this type can
take a number of different entities. They are
general purpose and are often the purpose of
the device.
❏ (2) power-supply-bay — contains a power
❏ (3) fan-position — holds a fan.
❏ (4) backplane-position — contains only a
❏ (5) stackableUnit-position — a stack has only
entities of type stackableUnit.
Location Read-only field; displays the location within the
A location is where a physical entity (such as a
power supply or a card/unit) resides.
SysObjid Read-only field; displays the object ID of the entity at
this location.
book Page 9 Thursday, September 4, 1997 3:47 PM