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Field Description
SwVersion Read-only field; displays the software version number
of the entity at this location if the entity contains a
processor. If an entity has no software, the value of
this parameter is “none.”
Serviceid Read-only field; displays the number of the service in
the device. This ID can be used to reference the ser-
vice elsewhere in the MIB.
EntityName Read-only field; displays the name of the entity at this
PowerReq Read-only field; displays the power consumption
requirement of the entity.
NumberofPorts Read-only field; displays the number of ports on the
entity at this location.
LampTest Configurable field; displays the status of the test that
can be performed on entities contained in the rack.
EntityState Read-only field; displays the state of the entity in the
Each entity in the stack/chassis has a basic state inde-
pendent of what function that entity performs within
the stack/chassis (initializing, operational, failure). If
the agent cannot determine the state of a particular
entity, the value is unknown.
Action Configurable field; resets the specified unitcard.
POSTtype Configurable field; displays the type of power-on self
tests which an entity carries out during power-up.
❏ normalPOST — a basic confidence check of
the entity (5 seconds) is performed.
❏ extendedPOST — a comprehensive set of
tests (3 minutes) are performed.
PlugInType Read-only field; displays the type of plug-in module (if
any) attached to this entity.
If a plug-in module can never be attached to this
entity, the value notApplicable is displayed.
book Page 12 Thursday, September 4, 1997 3:47 PM