Displaying Interface Settings for MSTP
The MSTP Port Information and MSTP Trunk Information pages display the current
status of ports and trunks in the selected MST instance.
Field Attributes
MST Instance ID
– Instance identifier to configure. (Range: 0-4094; Default: 0)
The other attributes are described under “Displaying Interface Settings,” page 10-10.
– Click Spanning Tree, MSTP, Port Information or Trunk Information. Select the
required MST instance to display the current spanning tree values.
Figure 10-8 MSTP Port Information
– This displays STA settings for instance 0, followed by settings for each port.
The settings for instance 0 are global settings that apply to the IST (page 10-3), the
settings for other instances only apply to the local spanning tree.
Console#show spanning-tree mst 0
Spanning-tree information
Spanning Tree Mode: MSTP
Spanning Tree Enabled/Disabled: Enabled
Instance: 0
VLANs Configuration: 2-4093
Priority: 32768
Bridge Hello Time (sec.): 2
Bridge Max Age (sec.): 20
Bridge Forward Delay (sec.): 15
Root Hello Time (sec.): 2
Root Max Age (sec.): 20
Root Forward Delay (sec.): 15
Max Hops: 20
Remaining Hops: 20
Designated Root: 32768.0.0000E8900000
Current Root Port: 0
Current Root Cost: 0
Number of Topology Changes: 5
Last Topology Change Time (sec.): 127
Transmission Limit: 3
Path Cost Method:
Displaying Interface Settings for MSTP