
Spanning Tree Algorithm (STA)
A technology that checks your network for any loops. A loop can often occur in
complicated or backup linked network systems. Spanning Tree detects and directs
data along the shortest available path, maximizing the performance and efficiency of
the network.
Defines a remote communication facility for interfacing to a terminal device over
Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+)
is a logon authentication protocol that uses software running on a central
server to control access to TACACS-compliant devices on the network.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Protocol suite that includes TCP as the primary transport protocol, and IP as the
network layer protocol.
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
A TCP/IP protocol commonly used for software downloads.
Universal Time Coordinate (UTC)
UTC is a time scale that couples Greenwich Mean Time (based solely on the Earth’s
rotation rate) with highly accurate atomic time. The UTC does not have daylight
saving time.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
provides a datagram mode for packet-switched communications. It uses IP as
the underlying transport mechanism to provide access to IP-like services. UDP
packets are delivered just like IP packets – connection-less datagrams that may be
discarded before reaching their targets. UDP is useful when TCP would be too
complex, too slow, or just unnecessary.
Virtual LAN (VLAN)
A Virtual LAN is a collection of network nodes that share the same collision domain
regardless of their physical location or connection point in the network. A VLAN
serves as a logical workgroup with no physical barriers, and allows users to share
information and resources as though located on the same LAN.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
A protocol that uses a virtual IP address to support a primary router and multiple
backup routers. The backups can be configured to take over the workload if the
master fails or to load share the traffic. The primary goal of VRRP is to allow a host