Index i
10/100 port
connecting devices 2-9
features 1-6
10/100TX port
connecting to the network 2-9
default setting 1-10, 5-21
100Base-FX, connecting 2-10
100Mbps LED 3-3
10Base-FL, connecting 2-10
10Base-T ports
connecting devices 2-9
connecting to the network 2-9
default setting 1-10
default settings 5-21
5324.10x 5-16
absolute value, RMON 7-11
trans group, MIB II B-4
viewing table 5-26
age out timer
changing 5-28
viewing 5-27
airflow requirements 2-2
falling, RMON 7-12
rising, RMON 7-11
RMON 7-11
RMON group B-2
alarm group, RMON 7-9, 7-15
absolute value 7-11
adding entry 7-10
configuring 7-9
data source 7-11
deleting entry 7-14
delta value 7-11
displaying entry 7-13
falling alarm 7-12
falling event index 7-12
falling threshold 7-12
object ID 7-11
rising alarm 7-11
rising event index 7-12
rising threshold 7-12
sampling interval 7-10
sampling type 7-11
startup alarm 7-11
assistance. See technical support E-1
auto negotiation
changing 5-25
description 5-25
viewing 5-23
automatic configuration. (See bootp) 2-12
back panel layout 1-2
base port group, bridge MIB B-6
bits per second 2-13
file name
viewing 5-15
IP address
viewing 5-15
boot mode
viewing 5-15
bootp 2-12
support of 1-6
using to assign IP address 2-12
bootp-tftp 6-4
viewing 5-15
bootstrap parameters, viewing 5-14
bridge forward delay
spanning tree, viewing 5-30
bridge hello time
spanning tree, viewing 5-30
bridge max age (spanning tree) 5-30
book Page i Monday, March 2, 1998 4:27 PM