Page 2-6
Installing an
Asanté MII
The IntraSwitch 5212 has one Asanté Media Independent Inter-
face (Asanté MII) expansion slot which allows for the addition
of various types of media access modules, including:
❏ 10/100Base-TX
❏ 100Base-FX
❏ 10Base-FL (with ST connector)
The Asanté MII module is sold separately and complies with
IEEE 802.3 and 802.3u (10/100Base-T and 100Base-FX) specifi-
To install an Asanté MII module:
▲ Important! The Asanté MII module is not hot-
swappable; you should not install and/or
remove a module without turning the
IntraSwitch 5212’s power off.
Unscrew the metal cover from the front of the
Asanté MII expansion slot (located on the
IntraSwitch 5212’s back panel) using a small
Phillips screwdriver. See Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2 Asanté MII expansion slot
Align the bottom of the Asanté MII expansion
module with the rails on the inside of the expan-
sion slot.
MII (Port 14)
IntraSwitch 5212 back panel
Remove metal cover
book Page 6 Monday, March 2, 1998 4:27 PM