Chapter 3 Web-Based Management
Web-Based Management allows switch configuration changes to be made using an Internet Web browser.
This interface also allows for system monitoring of the Switch.
Buttons featured are:
• Reload: Pulls that screen’s data from current
values on the system
• Apply: Submits change request to system and
refreshes screen data
Please refer to Chapter 6 Switching Concepts to review any features that are not familiar to you.
3.1 Web Pages
Connect to the switch through your web browser (i.e. Netscape Navigator) by using the default IP address A login screen will appear prompting for an administrator password (only if the password is
enabled). The User Name will always be root. Enter the password to access the switch’s management
mode. Once the password is entered correctly, the front page will appear.
Note: Password protection is optional and can only be enabled through the console interface. If the
password protection is enabled without having set your own password, the default password is Asante.
Asante is case sensitive and should be entered exactly as shown.
There are eleven menu options available:
• Introduction
• System Manager
• Port Manager
• Address Manager
• Spanning Tree
• VLAN Setup
• Port Trunking
• Port Mirroring
• SNMP Management
• IGMP Management
• Statistics