Remove an existing entry:
• Highlight that entry in the table, by clicking on the MAC address
• Choose Remove
3.5.2 Address Aging
Aging Time is a variable that must be configured. Its purpose is to determine the amount of time an entry is
held in the forwarding tables.
The default value is set to 300 seconds (5 minutes).
• The administrator may change this value to any value between 10 and 1,000,000 seconds
• After changing the value, click Apply
3.6 Spanning Tree
Spanning Tree can be enabled or disabled in this screen (it is enabled by default).
3.6.1 Bridge Settings
Enable: There are four other tunable parameters to be addressed.
• Hello Time: Interval between configuration messages sent by the spanning tree algorithm
• Max Age: Amount of time before a configuration message is discarded by the system
• Forward Delay: Amount of time system spends in “learning” and “listening” states
• Bridge Priority: Priority setting among other switches in the spanning tree
Disable: Disable spanning tree algorithm on the system.
Click Apply after setting your parameters.