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Field Description
Jabber Status Read-only field; displays the status of the Jabber Detec-
A Jabber Detector is a device that helps prevent a
node from transmitting constantly; for example, if the
node is malfunctioning.
❏ on — jabber detector is on.
❏ off — jabber detector is off.
Jabber State Configurable field; enables or disables the jabber detec-
tion test.
Polarity Status Read-only field; displays the status of the auto polarity
❏ normal — the auto polarity checking is enabled
and the polarity status is normal.
❏ reversed — the auto polarity checking is enabled
and the polarity status is reversed.
Polarity State Configurable field; determines the state of the device’s
auto polarity correction.
Auto polarity correction allows a hub to make electrical
corrections automatically if a cable does not reverse
polarity within its pairs.
Admin State Configurable field; determines the state of the port.
❏ enabled — the port is enabled and can receive
❏ disabled — the port is disabled and cannot
receive packets.