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Field Description
TPort (target port) Configurable field; determines the port number for which
the alarm is being set.
Important: This field only needs to be edited if the Tar-
get Domain is set to port.
Target Subject Configurable field; determines the counter to be polled.
❏ readableframes — the total number of good or
readable frames (frames without error).
❏ frametoolong — the number of frames that
were longer than 1,518 bytes.
❏ runts — the number of frames that were shorter
than 64 bytes.
❏ alignmenterrors — the number of frames that
were an integral number of octets in length and
did not pass the FCS check.
❏ fcserrors — the number of frames that failed
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).
❏ dataratemismatch — the number of errors
where the incoming data rate is not within the
tolerance level of 10Mhz (+ or - 0.01%).
❏ shortevents — the number of data bursts,
where data is less than 10 bytes in length.
❏ collisions — the total number of collisions.
❏ latecollisions — the number of collisions that
occurred after the 64-byte collision window.
❏ autopartitions — the number of times the port
was automatically partitioned in response to 31
or more continuous collisions.
❏ badframes — the number of invalid frames
(including toolong, runts, misaligned, or bad FCS).
Sample Type Read-only field; sets a unit of measure for the alarm.
This field is always set to eventpersecond and
cannot be modified.