GigaX Centralized Network Management User’s Manual 27
4.6.3 Change Password
A valid password consists of 4 digits, from 0 to 9, and a to f. The
authenticator does not check upper case or lower case. For example,
password “12ab” is treated as “12AB”. Once the password gets changed,
CNM will use the password to retrieve the information about the switch.
If the password is forgotten, please refer to 3.3.2 to reset the password in the
switch. After it, you have to remove the switch from the topology and
discover the switch again.
After changing the password, CNM will show a dialog box for administrators
to save the topology or not. If not, administrators will have to do two jobs
when CNM starts up next time. First, manually add the switch according to
section 4.4.2. Second, change password again and replace 0x2379 with
correct one.
Figure 4.14b. Change Password
Since password was modified, administrators have to login to the switch. Or
administrators will not be able to control the switch. The page is shown as
Figure 4.14b.