GigaX Centralized Network Management User’s Manual 33
Link aggregation creates new virtual links with more bandwidth. For
example, port 1 and 2 can work together as one link to another device. The
new virtual link has 200Mbps bandwidth. The switch provides 8 groups of
link aggregations shown on the top of figure 4.19.
Click on the Reload button to retrieve the configuration from switch. The
checked trunk group means this group has been activated. You can check
the trunk group to enable new trunk or uncheck the trunk group to disable
the trunks. Click on Apply to make them effective in the switch.
The Trunking Status shows the ports work as trunk ports currently. A green
light in the port means the port is working as trunk port properly, otherwise it
shows no light.
4.7.3 Bandwidth
Figure 4.20. Bandwidth Configuration
1024P provides TX/RX bandwidth control for each port. Please reload the
configuration before you start to set up new configuration. The page is
shown as figure 4.20.
Select the ports you want to configure, then select proper bandwidth for TX/
RX directions. Click on Apply to apply to the switch.