Chapter 1
Product introduction
1.1 Special features
1.1.1 Product highlights
Republic of Gamers
The Republic of Gamers offers you the best of the best. We offer the best hardware
engineering, the fastest performance, the most innovative ideas, and we welcome the best
gamers to join in. In the Republic of Gamers, mercy rules are only for the weak, and bragging
rights means everything. We believe in making statements and we excel in competitions.
If your character matches our trait, then join the elite Republic of Gamers and make your
presence felt.
LGA1150 socket for 4th Generation Intel
Core™ i7 / Intel
Core™ i5 /
Core™ i3, Pentium
and Celeron
This motherboard supports 4th generation Intel
Core™ i7/ Intel
Core™ i5/ Intel
i3, Pentium
and Celeron
processors in the LGA1150 package. It provides great graphics
and system performance with its GPU, dual-channel DDR3 memory slots, and PCI Express
2.0/3.0 expansion slots.
Z87 Express Chipset
Z87 Express Chipset is a single-chipset that supports the LGA1150 socket 4th
generation Intel
Core™ i7/ Intel
Core™ i5/ Intel
Core™ i3, Pentium
and Celeron
processors. It utilizes the serial point-to-point links, which increases bandwidth and enhances
the system’s performance. It natively supports up to six USB 3.0 ports for up to ten times
faster transfer rate than USB 2.0, and enables the iGPU function for Intel
integrated graphics
PCI Express
PCI Express
3.0 (PCIe 3.0) is the PCI Express bus standard that provides twice the
performance and speed of PCIe 2.0. It provides an optimal graphics performance,
unprecedented data speed, and seamless transition with its complete backward compatibility
to PCIe 1.0/2.0 devices.
/CrossFire™ On-Demand
This motherboard features a unique PCIe 3.0 bridge chip to support multi-GPU SLI
CrossFireX™ graphics cards for an unrivaled gaming performance. With the Intel
platform to optimize the PCIe allocation of multiple GPUs, it supports up to 4-WAY GPU SLI
or CrossFireX™ conguration.
Chapter 1: Product Introduction